How to Delete Your Facebook Account or Page Forever
Are you considering deleting your Facebook account? It's something a lot of people are doing these days. Maybe you feel that you spend too much time on Facebook and it's distracting you from your work, or perhaps you don't have that many (real life) friends using it and you think there's no point. It doesn't matter. It's a personal choice, and every reason is valid.
However, I have to point out that deleting a Facebook account is very different from simply deactivating it. If you delete your account permanently you will never be able to restore it. So if all you're looking for is a temporary break, you shouldn't delete your profile so hastily, because if you delete your Facebook account, all of your pictures and content will be deleted permanently with it. You can download all of that beforehand by going to "Settings" and pressing "Download a copy of your Facebook data," and then "Start My Archive."
Deleting your Facebook account itself is relatively simple. Read on if you're interested.
Table of Contents
How to delete your Facebook account.
- First, head to
- Press "Delete my account".
- Do not log back into your Facebook account and wait 14 days for the deletion request to be processed.
Note: if you log back in during the 14 day period your deletion request will be automatically canceled. If you would rather deactivate your account for a temporary break continue reading.
How to deactivate your Facebook account.
- Press "Settings"
- Select "Manage Account" under General Account Settings.
- Hit "Deactivate Account".
- Type in your Facebook password when prompted.
- Enter a "reason for leaving" or choose on from the multiple-choice bubble, then press "Deactivate".
How to Delete Your Facebook Page
If you created a Facebook Page for a personal business you’ve since abandoned, or an old fan Page for Justin Bieber that no longer suits your passions, there’s an easy way to delete it.
- Click "Settings".
- Scroll to the bottom of the Generals Tab and press "Remove Page"
- Select "Delete [Page]" then hit "Ok"
Note: To delete a facebook page, you have to be the creator of that page.