PositivePlatform Mac Adware


In the course of our routine examination of new file submissions, we came across an application known as PositivePlatform. Our investigation revealed that this app falls into the category of ad-supported software, commonly referred to as adware, and it is associated with the AdLoad malware family. PositivePlatform is specifically designed to execute intrusive advertising campaigns.

Adware, short for advertising-supported software, facilitates the display of third-party visual content (such as pop-ups, banners, overlays, surveys, etc.) on websites visited or within different interfaces.

It's important to note that this software may require specific conditions to run its intrusive advertising campaigns, such as having a compatible browser/system or visiting particular websites. However, even if PositivePlatform doesn't deliver advertisements, its presence poses a threat to the integrity of your device and user safety.

Advertisements displayed by adware predominantly promote online scams, unreliable or hazardous software, and potential malware. Clicking on some of these intrusive ads can even trigger scripts that initiate downloads or installations without the user's consent.

It's worth mentioning that any legitimate products or services advertised through these ads are most likely promoted by scammers who exploit affiliate programs to gain commissions dishonestly.

While AdLoad adware often exhibits browser hijacker traits, we did not observe these functionalities during our testing of the PositivePlatform application.

Furthermore, ad-supported software typically collects private information, and PositivePlatform may also engage in such data gathering. The data of interest may encompass browsing and search engine histories, internet cookies, login credentials, personally identifiable information, and credit card numbers, for example. This information can then be sold to other parties or profited from in other ways.

How is Adware Impacting Your Normal Browsing Experience?

Adware can significantly impact your normal browsing experience in several ways, making it less enjoyable and more frustrating. Here are the common ways adware affects your online activities:

  • Excessive Advertisements: Adware inundates your web pages with an excessive number of advertisements. These can include pop-up ads, banners, in-text ads, and video ads, making it difficult to focus on the content you're trying to access.
  • Slow Page Loading: Adware-laden pages often take longer to load due to the numerous ads and scripts running in the background. This can lead to a sluggish browsing experience, causing frustration.
  • Browser Crashes and Freezes: Adware can strain your web browser's resources, leading to frequent crashes or freezing of your browser. This disrupts your online activities and requires restarting the browser.
  • Redirects: Adware may cause unwanted browser redirects to advertising or potentially malicious websites. These redirects can interfere with your ability to access the sites you want and can be a security risk.
  • Privacy Concerns: Adware often tracks your online behavior, collecting data about your browsing habits, search queries, and more. This raises privacy concerns, as your personal information may be shared or sold without your consent.
  • Intrusive Behavior: Some adware can exhibit intrusive behavior, such as altering your browser settings, changing your homepage, or installing unwanted browser extensions. This disrupts your preferred browsing setup.
  • Risk of Malware Infections: In some cases, adware may serve as a gateway for more harmful malware infections. Clicking on deceptive ads or visiting compromised websites can expose your system to viruses and ransomware.
September 29, 2023

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