Beware of the Manta Galaxies Registration Scam

banking fraud scam

A new scam is making rounds, impersonating the Manta Network ( It lures users with promises of early registration for a new gaming platform called "Manta Galaxies." Unsuspecting users who fall for this trick end up exposing their digital wallets to a crypto drainer, risking the loss of their digital assets. It is important to emphasize that this scam has no connection with the real Manta Network or any other legitimate platforms. Additionally, the "Manta Galaxies Registration" scam can appear on various domains, so users need to stay vigilant.

How the Scam Operates

The fraudulent scheme mimics the design and branding of the genuine Manta Network, which is a platform for building and deploying Solidity-based dApps. The scam's ploy involves offering an early registration to the supposed "Manta Galaxies" blockchain gaming platform. When users attempt to register, they are prompted to connect their digital wallets. By doing so, they inadvertently grant access to a cryptocurrency-draining mechanism that siphons funds from their wallets in automated transfers to wallets controlled by scammers.

The Danger of Crypto Drainers

Crypto drainers are sophisticated tools that can estimate the value of digital assets in a wallet and target the most valuable ones first. These draining transactions are often subtle and can go unnoticed for a long time. Due to the nature of cryptocurrency transactions, which are practically untraceable and irreversible, victims of these scams have little to no recourse for recovering their lost funds.

Examples of Cryptocurrency Drainer Scams

Our research has uncovered numerous online scams that employ similar tactics. Examples include "Bitget Wallet (BWB) Airdrop," "$PunkAI Airdrop Registration," and "Linea Airdrop." These scams typically follow one of three approaches: draining funds from exposed digital wallets, phishing for cryptowallet log-in credentials, or tricking users into manually transferring assets to wallets owned by cybercriminals.

How Scammers Promote Their Schemes

Online Advertising and Typosquatting

Scammers often use rogue advertising networks, typosquatting (URLs that are mistyped variations of legitimate addresses), spam (through private messages, social media posts, emails, SMS, and browser notifications), malvertising (intrusive ads), and adware to promote their fraudulent websites. Cryptocurrency drainers are frequently pushed through intrusive pop-up adverts that entice users to connect their cryptowallets by promising various rewards.

Social Media Spam

Social media platforms are another common avenue for promoting crypto scams. Fraudulent posts and direct messages may come from hacked accounts that originally belonged to genuine projects, companies, celebrities, or influencers, making the scams appear more credible.

How to Avoid Scam Websites

The internet is filled with deceptive and malicious content. Users should be cautious while browsing, paying close attention to URLs and entering them carefully. It is advisable to be selective about clicking on advertisements and allowing websites to deliver browser notifications. Any suspicious pages should be blocked from displaying notifications.

Avoid sites offering pirated programs, illegal streaming, or torrenting, as these often utilize rogue advertising networks. Be vigilant with incoming emails, direct messages, and other communications, avoiding attachments or links from suspicious sources.

Use Official Sources

Download software only from official or verified sources and take care during installations by using "Custom/Advanced" settings to prevent bundled or harmful software from infiltrating your device. If your computer is already infected, running a scan with an anti-malware tool is recommended to eliminate all threats.

Staying informed and cautious is the best defense against falling victim to scams like the fake "Manta Galaxies Registration."

May 23, 2024

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