Pushes Fake Security Warnings

web browser hijacker

While investigating suspicious websites, our research team came across the fraudulent page. This page is designed to facilitate scams and flood users with unwanted browser notifications. Furthermore, it has the capability to redirect visitors to potentially dubious or malicious websites.

Typically, users end up on pages like through redirects generated by websites that utilize deceptive advertising networks.

It's important to note that the behavior of such rogue webpages, including the content they host or promote, may vary depending on the visitor's IP address or geolocation. During our research, was running a scam called "Your Identity Has Been Stolen!" This scam involves a fictitious system scan that falsely detects non-existent threats. Such deceptive content is commonly used to endorse untrustworthy and potentially harmful software. It's crucial to emphasize that all the claims made by this scam are entirely untrue and have no association with the legitimate McAfee antivirus software.

Additionally, seeks permission to send browser notifications. Rogue pages exploit these notifications to launch intrusive advertising campaigns. These displayed advertisements predominantly promote online scams, unreliable or harmful software, and even malware.

In summary, websites like can expose users to the risk of system infections, serious privacy breaches, financial losses, and identity theft.

Should You Trust Virus and Security Warnings You See Online?

Trustworthiness of virus and security warnings you encounter online can vary significantly, and it's essential to exercise caution and critical thinking when assessing such alerts. Here are some guidelines to help you determine whether to trust virus and security warnings online:

  • Source Verification: Verify the source of the warning. Is it from a reputable and recognized antivirus or security software provider, a well-known technology company, or an official government agency? Warnings from trusted sources are more likely to be reliable.
  • Check for Official Channels: Go directly to the official website or support page of the software or service in question. Legitimate security alerts are often posted on the official websites of the respective organizations.
  • Avoid Pop-up Warnings: Be skeptical of pop-up warnings that appear while browsing the web, especially those that claim your system is infected. Many pop-up warnings of this nature are part of online scams or malicious advertising.
  • Emails and Messages: Be cautious when receiving security warnings through email, text messages, or social media. Verify the sender's identity and don't click on links or download attachments from unverified or suspicious sources.
  • Look for Consistency: Check if the warning is consistent with other information available online. If multiple reputable sources are reporting the same issue, it's more likely to be legitimate.
  • Avoid Unsolicited Support: Be wary of unsolicited offers of technical support or assistance. Scammers often use cold calls or unsolicited messages to trick individuals into providing access to their computers or sensitive information.
  • Use Reliable Security Software: Install and regularly update reputable antivirus and anti-malware software. Such software can help detect and block threats, reducing the reliance on online warnings.
September 7, 2023

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