StandartInitiator Mac Adware

mac computer macbook pro

We came across StandartInitiator during our investigation of new submissions to the VirusTotal website. This adware-type program belongs to the AdLoad malware family. Its purpose is to conduct aggressive advertising campaigns by inundating users with undesirable and misleading advertisements.

Adware showcases ads across various interfaces like visited websites and desktops. Specific conditions might need to be met for this software to display ads, such as using a compatible browser/system or being in a certain geographic location or visiting particular websites. However, even if StandartInitiator doesn't run intrusive ad campaigns, its presence on a system still jeopardizes device security and user well-being.

The ads displayed by adware mainly promote online scams, dubious or harmful software, and sometimes even malware. Clicking on some of these ads can trigger downloads or installations without the user's consent.

It's important to note that although legitimate content might occasionally appear in these ads, it's highly unlikely that official parties would promote content in this manner. More likely, these endorsements are carried out by scammers exploiting affiliate programs of products to gain unauthorized commissions.

Typically, AdLoad applications possess browser-hijacking capabilities. However, during our testing of StandartInitiator, we did not observe any of these functionalities.

Ad-supported software commonly gathers private information, and this could also be the case with the StandartInitiator application. The collected data might encompass visited URLs, viewed webpages, search queries, internet cookies, usernames, passwords, personally identifiable details, credit card numbers, and more. This harvested information can then be sold to third parties or exploited for profit.

How Does Adware Impair Your Online Browsing Experience?

Adware can significantly impair your online browsing experience by inundating you with unwanted advertisements and negatively impacting the performance and security of your device. Here's how adware can affect your browsing:

  • Excessive and Intrusive Ads: Adware bombards your browser with an excessive number of ads in various forms, such as pop-ups, banners, interstitials, and video ads. These ads can obstruct your view of the content you're trying to access, making it difficult to read or navigate websites.
  • Slowed Browsing Speed: The constant stream of ads consumes your device's resources, including memory and processing power. This can lead to slower loading times for websites, making your browsing experience frustrating and time-consuming.
  • Unwanted Redirects: Adware might redirect your browser to websites you didn't intend to visit. These redirects can take you to potentially harmful or malicious websites that could compromise your device's security.
  • Browser Crashes and Freezes: The influx of ads can strain your browser to the point of crashes or freezes. This disrupts your browsing session and can lead to loss of data if you were in the middle of a transaction or filling out a form.
  • Privacy Concerns: Some adware tracks your online activities, collecting data about your browsing habits, search queries, and more. This information can be used to create targeted ads or even sold to third parties without your consent, violating your privacy.
  • Misleading and Deceptive Ads: Adware often displays deceptive ads that mimic legitimate content or notifications. This can lead you to inadvertently click on ads that download unwanted software or lead to malicious websites.
August 17, 2023

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