EssentialPlatform Mac Adware

mac computer

During our investigation of new submissions to the VirusTotal website, our research team discovered the EssentialPlatform app. Upon analyzing the application, we identified it as adware, a type of software supported by advertising. We also found that EssentialPlatform belongs to the AdLoad malware family.

Adware's primary purpose is to inundate users with undesirable and deceptive advertisements. These third-party graphical contents, such as pop-ups, banners, coupons, overlays, and surveys, appear on visited websites or other interfaces.

These ads often promote online scams, untrustworthy or harmful software, and even malware. Some intrusive ads, when clicked on, may trigger automatic downloads or installations without the user's consent.

It's worth noting that any seemingly legitimate products or services advertised through adware are likely endorsed by scammers exploiting affiliate programs to gain illegitimate commissions.

While adware might not display intrusive ad campaigns under certain conditions, such as incompatible browser or system specifications, or on specific sites, the presence of EssentialPlatform on a system remains a potential threat.

Although AdLoad applications typically have browser-hijacking capabilities, our testing did not find such behavior in EssentialPlatform.

Moreover, this rogue app likely gathers sensitive user information. Adware commonly targets data like browsing and search histories, internet cookies, account login credentials, credit card numbers, and more. The collected information can be monetized through sale to third parties.

Overall, EssentialPlatform's classification as adware and its potential data collection highlight the risks associated with such applications. Users should be cautious when encountering ad-supported software and consider employing security measures to protect their personal information and prevent unwanted advertising disruptions.

How Can Adware Like EssentialPlatform Get Inside Your Mac?

Adware like EssentialPlatform can find its way onto your Mac through various means, often exploiting user actions or software vulnerabilities. Here are some common ways adware can get inside your Mac:

  • Bundled Software: Adware is frequently bundled with free or cracked software downloaded from untrustworthy sources. When you install such software, the adware is installed alongside it without your knowledge or consent.
  • Misleading Installers: Some adware developers use misleading installers that trick users into agreeing to install the adware unknowingly. These installers often hide the presence of adware in lengthy terms and conditions or opt-out checkboxes.
  • Fake Updates and Downloads: Adware may be disguised as software updates or downloads, especially on unofficial websites. When users attempt to download what they believe is legitimate software, they unknowingly install adware.
  • Infected Email Attachments: Adware can be distributed through infected email attachments or links. Users who open malicious attachments or click on suspicious links may inadvertently install adware.
  • Drive-By Downloads: Adware can be delivered through drive-by downloads, where users unintentionally download the adware when visiting compromised or malicious websites.
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