CycleGraph Mac Adware

mac computer macos

During our analysis of new file submissions, our research team came across the CycleGraph rogue app. Upon closer examination, we determined that CycleGraph is a form of adware, specifically belonging to the AdLoad malware family.

Adware is designed to display advertisements on websites and various interfaces. These ads often promote scams, unreliable or harmful software, and potentially even malware. Some of these adverts, when clicked on, can execute scripts that lead to stealthy downloads or installations.

It is important to note that legitimate content is highly unlikely to be promoted through such advertisements by official parties. Instead, scammers often exploit affiliate programs to gain illegitimate commissions.

Advertising-supported software, like CycleGraph, may require specific conditions to display ads, such as compatible browser/system specifications or visits to particular websites. Regardless of the intrusiveness of its advert campaigns, CycleGraph remains a threat to the system it infects.

It is worth mentioning that AdLoad apps typically possess browser-hijacking qualities, but during our testing, we did not observe any such traits in CycleGraph.

CycleGraph likely has data-tracking capabilities. Adware typically collects a wide range of information, including URLs visited, pages viewed, search queries entered, internet cookies, login credentials (usernames/passwords), personally identifiable details, credit card numbers, and more. The data collected can be shared with or sold to third parties.

Overall, CycleGraph poses a risk to users' privacy and security due to its adware nature and potential data-tracking abilities.

How Can Adware Impact Your Browsing Experience?

Adware can significantly impact your browsing experience in several negative ways:

  • Intrusive Advertisements: Adware floods your web pages with intrusive and excessive advertisements. These ads can appear as pop-ups, banners, interstitials, or even take over the entire screen, disrupting your browsing and making it challenging to access the content you want.
  • Slower Browsing Speed: The continuous loading of ad content consumes additional bandwidth and resources, leading to slower browsing speeds. This can result in delays when loading web pages and cause frustration during your online activities.
  • Unwanted Redirects: Adware may redirect your web browser to other websites or landing pages without your consent. This can be irritating and may lead you away from the content you originally intended to view.
  • Browser Hijacking: Some aggressive forms of adware can hijack your browser settings, changing your default search engine, homepage, or new tab page. This can be difficult to reverse and may require technical expertise to reset your preferences.
  • Privacy Concerns: Adware often tracks your browsing habits, collecting data about the websites you visit, search queries you enter, and other online activities. This data may be used to target you with personalized ads or shared with third parties for various purposes, raising privacy concerns.
  • Security Risks: Adware may expose you to security risks by displaying malicious ads or leading you to compromised websites. Clicking on these ads could trigger malware downloads or phishing attempts, putting your personal information and devices at risk.
August 2, 2023

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