What is ZHO Ransomware?


ZHO Ransomware is a malicious software based on Chaos ransomware. Once deployed on a system, it encrypts files and alters their filenames by appending a four-character random extension. For instance, "1.jpg" may be renamed to "1.jpg.8a08", and "2.png" to "2.png.pcaw". Post encryption, ZHO modifies the desktop wallpaper and drops a ransom note titled "read_it.txt" in Russian. The note informs victims that their files, including databases, photographs, videos, and documents, are encrypted and can only be restored by the attackers. It instructs victims to contact the cybercriminals and demands a $25 ransom, cautioning against third-party assistance and deletion of the encrypted files to avoid permanent data loss.

ZHO Ransomware Overview

Our extensive analysis of thousands of ransomware infections indicates that decryption without the attackers' cooperation is typically impossible. Paying the ransom does not guarantee recovery, as criminals often fail to deliver the necessary decryption tools. Moreover, paying supports illegal activities. Removing ZHO ransomware prevents further data encryption but does not recover already compromised files. The recommended solution is to restore files from backups stored in multiple, secure locations like remote servers and unplugged storage devices.

The ZHO Ransomware ransom note reads like the following:

—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—> ТВОИ ФАЙЛЫ БЫЛИ ЗАШИФРОВАНЫ! <—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—

—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—> ЧТО СЛУЧИЛОСЬ? <—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—
Все файлы на этом компьютере были зашифрованы, в результате чего многие из твоих документов, фотографий, видео, баз данных и прочих файлов стали недоступны. Возможно, ты уже пытаешься найти способ восстановить свои данные, однако не стоит тратить время зря. Без использования нашего сервиса дешифрования никто не сможет вернуть доступ к твоим файлам.

—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—> МОЖНО ЛИ ВОССТАНОВИТЬ ФАЙЛЫ? <—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—
Конечно. Мы гарантируем, что ты сможешь безопасно и легко восстановить все свои файлы. Но не удаляй зашифрованные файлы, так как это может привести к их безвозвратной утере.

—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—>—> КАК МНЕ ОПЛАТИТЬ РАСШИФРОВКУ? <—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—<—
Напиши мне в телеграм: @moonshinemrrr. Я всё объясню.
Цена выкупа: $25.

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Ransomware Examples

Other ransomware examples we've investigated include OCEANS, Veza, GhosHacker, and OPIX. These malicious programs operate similarly by encrypting files and demanding payment for decryption. They differ in the cryptographic algorithms used (symmetric or asymmetric) and the ransom amounts, which vary based on the target, whether home users or large entities such as companies and organizations.

How Does Ransomware Infect Computers?

Cybercriminals often use phishing and social engineering techniques to distribute malware, including ransomware. Malicious files, disguised or bundled with regular content, come in formats like executables, archives, documents, and JavaScript. Opening these files initiates the infection. Ransomware is spread through drive-by downloads, trojans, online scams, malicious attachments or links in spam mail, malvertising, unreliable download sources, pirated software, illegal product activation tools, and fake updates. Some malware can also spread via local networks and removable storage devices.

How to Protect Yourself from Ransomware Infections

To guard against ransomware:

  1. Be cautious while browsing and scrutinize incoming emails and messages.
  2. Avoid opening suspicious attachments or links.
  3. Download software only from official, verified sources.
  4. Use genuine tools for activating and updating programs.
  5. Install and regularly update reliable antivirus software.
  6. Perform regular system scans to detect and remove threats.

If infected with ZHO ransomware, use an anti-malware program to automatically eliminate it.

May 23, 2024

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