Weather Search Rogue Extension

browser hijacker

The Weather Search extension, which claims to offer weather forecasts and related information based on the user's location, local time, and browser wallpapers, came to our attention during our investigation of questionable websites.

Upon examining Weather Search, our researchers determined that it is a browser hijacker. This extension alters browser settings to promote the fake search engine. With Weather Search installed on our test machine, any attempt to open a new browser tab or type directly into the URL bar resulted in redirection to the website.

This behavior is the result of the browser hijacker designating the endorsed site as the default search engine, new tab/window URL, and homepage, often employing techniques to persistently maintain these changes, making it challenging for users to revert to their preferred settings.

It's important to note that search engines promoted by browser hijackers are typically considered fake because they generally lack the ability to provide genuine search results and instead redirect users to established internet search engines.

During our research, redirected to the Bing search engine (, although it's worth mentioning that the destination may vary due to factors like user geolocation.

Additionally, it is highly likely that Weather Search engages in the surveillance of users' online activities. This data collection may encompass visited URLs, viewed web pages, search queries, internet cookies, usernames, passwords, personally identifiable information, financial data, and more. The information gathered can then be either sold to third parties or exploited for profit in other ways.

How Can Fake Search Engines Impact Your Browsing Experience?

Fake search engines can significantly impact your browsing experience in several negative ways. These deceptive websites are designed to mimic legitimate search engines but often serve malicious or misleading purposes, leading to various issues when you encounter them. Here's how fake search engines can affect your browsing experience:

  • Misleading Search Results: Fake search engines often provide manipulated or irrelevant search results. This can make it difficult to find accurate information and may lead you to potentially harmful websites or scams.
  • Malware and Phishing: Some fake search engines may direct you to websites that host malware or engage in phishing attempts, tricking you into revealing sensitive information like login credentials, credit card details, or personal information.
  • Browser Hijacking: Fake search engines may alter your browser settings, including your default homepage, search engine, and new tab page. This can be frustrating and challenging to revert to your preferred settings.
  • Excessive Ads: Many fake search engines display an excessive number of advertisements, pop-ups, and sponsored links. These ads can be intrusive, disrupt your browsing experience, and potentially lead to malicious websites.
  • Data Tracking: Fake search engines often collect your browsing data, including search queries, browsing history, IP addresses, and more, without your consent. This information can be used for tracking, profiling, or even sold to third-party advertisers.
  • Persistence: Some fake search engines employ techniques to resist removal from your browser, making it challenging for you to regain control of your browser settings.
  • Reduced Privacy: Your online privacy can be compromised when using fake search engines, as they may track your online behavior and share your data with third parties without your knowledge or consent.
September 12, 2023

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