Uses Cheap Tricks to Spam Ads

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During an investigation of websites that utilize rogue advertising networks, our team came across, a deceitful website that prompts users to subscribe to notifications. The website is not one that users would visit intentionally. It falsely claims that the McAfee Total Protection antivirus subscription has expired and that the card payment has failed. It further states that your computer is vulnerable to viruses and hackers since the antivirus is inactive. urges you to move to the next page and complete the payment to safeguard your computer. It also claims that former customers are eligible for a 50% discount. Such websites are usually operated by affiliates who use scare tactics to make commissions from affiliate programs. These affiliates supply users with a link to follow, and for each purchase made through their link, they receive a commission.

It is critical to note that legitimate companies or entities never use websites like to promote their products or services. As a result, neither nor any similar website should be trusted.

How Do Misleading Sites Use Social Engineering to Trick Visitors?

Misleading sites use social engineering tactics to trick visitors into performing actions that benefit the site's operators, often at the expense of the visitor's privacy and security. Some common ways they do this include:

Impersonation: Misleading sites often impersonate legitimate companies or entities to gain trust from visitors. They might use logos, design elements, or wording similar to the real company or entity to create a sense of familiarity and credibility.

Fear tactics: Misleading sites may use fear tactics to convince visitors to take immediate action. For example, they might claim that the visitor's device is infected with a virus and prompt them to download a fake antivirus program or pay for a fake service to remove the virus.

Urgency: Misleading sites often create a sense of urgency to pressure visitors into making hasty decisions. They might claim that an offer or discount is only available for a limited time, or that the visitor's account will be locked or deleted if they don't take immediate action.

Social proof: Misleading sites may use social proof to convince visitors that their claims are valid. They might show fake customer reviews or endorsements, or display fake social media likes and shares to make the site appear more popular or legitimate.

Clickbait: Misleading sites often use clickbait headlines or images to entice visitors to click through to the site. Once there, visitors may be prompted to perform actions or click on links that lead to unwanted or malicious content.

In general, visitors should be wary of any site that uses these tactics to convince them to perform actions or provide personal information. It's always a good idea to verify the legitimacy of a site before taking any action or sharing any sensitive information.

March 9, 2023

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