Triathlon Gurus Rogue Browser Extension Can Be Annoying

browser hijacker redirect website

During our examination of the Triathlon Gurus application, we discovered that it is actually a browser hijacker that promotes a fake search engine known as This search engine is not genuine and instead generates search results using another search engine. It's important to note that many browser-hijacking apps are promoted using deceitful methods.

We found that Triathlon Gurus promotes by taking over a web browser and altering its default search engine, homepage, and new tab page to Once users are redirected to, it then redirects them again to, using Bing's search results to disguise its fraudulent nature and make it appear trustworthy.

However, it's important to be aware that fraudulent search engines could manipulate search results and show sponsored content or advertisements instead of legitimate search results. Additionally, since Triathlon Gurus is a browser hijacker, it could collect user data, including browsing activity, search queries, and other personal information.

This information could be used for targeted advertising or other malicious purposes. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that users avoid using and remove Triathlon Gurus from their computers to prevent any potential threats to their privacy and security.

Why Should You Avoid Using Fake Search Engines as Much as You Can?

Using fake search engines can pose several risks to your privacy and security. These search engines are often promoted by malicious software or browser extensions that hijack your browser and change your default search engine, homepage, and new tab page without your consent.

Fake search engines may generate search results that are manipulated to display sponsored content or advertisements instead of genuine search results. These results can redirect you to unreliable or dangerous websites that could compromise your device's security and infect it with malware.

Moreover, fake search engines can collect your browsing data, search queries, and other personal information that can be used for targeted advertising or other malicious purposes. Your privacy could be at risk if this information is sold or shared with third parties without your knowledge or consent.

Therefore, it is advisable to avoid using fake search engines and to remove any suspicious browser extensions or software that may be promoting them. It's also a good practice to use reputable search engines like Google or Bing to ensure your search results are genuine and safe.

May 4, 2023

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