Remove Redirect is a bogus search engine, which is being promoted through the help of intrusive software and browser add-ons. While the site itself is not malicious, using it is unlikely to be a good experience. In fact, it seems to be offline at the time of writing this article. This means that if you have the hijacker on your device, you will be redirected to an unresponsive page whenever you search the Web, or try to load a new tab.

The hijacker might be installed because of fake downloads, software bundles, or deceptive ads. Preventing the installation of such software is easy if you automate it. Simply install a reputable antivirus product on your system, and you will never have to deal with intrusive software like the hijacker. If it is too late to prevent its installation, then you should proceed to remove it as soon as possible. We suggest using an up-to-date security tool to ensure that all of hijacker's files are removed.

January 12, 2022

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