is a Fake Search Engine Site That May Hijacker Your Browser is a deceptive search engine promoted through a browser extension known as SuperCar New Tab. This extension hijacks web browser settings, making the default search engine, homepage, and new tab page. As a result, users are compelled to use this fake search engine whenever they open their browser or start a new search.

How Operates

Once installed, SuperCar New Tab alters the browser's settings, forcing users to visit When users enter search queries, they are redirected to However, itself does not generate search results, making it a fake search engine. Using such fake search engines can lead to several issues, including exposure to unreliable search results and potential privacy risks.

Risks Associated with Fake Search Engines

Fake search engines like can redirect users to phishing pages, scam sites, and pages hosting unwanted software. Moreover, these engines can collect browsing data and other personal information, which can be misused by the developers or third parties, posing significant privacy concerns.

Impact on Browsing Experience

Adding a browser hijacker such as SuperCar New Tab can severely degrade the browsing experience and compromise online security. Some hijackers are designed to resist removal attempts, making manual removal challenging and often unsuccessful.

Understanding Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers often masquerade as useful applications, promising enhanced search experiences or additional functionality. However, their true objective is to force users into using dubious search engines. Examples of similar hijacking apps include Sports Social Feed, Calculator Tab, and Animal Lover Extension.

Common Installation Methods

Browser hijackers frequently get installed through bundled software, deceptive advertisements, and fake download buttons. Users might inadvertently install these hijackers when downloading free or unreliable programs, especially if they overlook "Advanced" or "Custom" installation settings. Interacting with dubious pop-ups, ads, or notifications can also lead to unwanted installations.

Preventing Browser Hijacker Installation

To avoid installing browser hijackers, follow these best practices:

  • Download software only from reputable and official sources.
  • During installations, use custom or advanced options to deselect unwanted software.
  • Avoid interacting with suspicious websites, pop-ups, and advertisements.
  • Regularly update your operating system and installed software.
  • Install and use reliable antivirus and anti-malware programs to scan for and remove threats.

If your computer is already infected with SuperCar New Tab, it is advisable to run a scan with an anti-malware program to eliminate the browser hijacker automatically.

May 23, 2024

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