Pushes Unwanted Ads

While investigating suspicious websites, our research team identified the rogue page known as This site is crafted to facilitate scams and deliver unwanted browser notification spam, with the additional capability to redirect users to potentially unsafe or unreliable websites.

The majority of visitors to and similar pages arrive through redirects initiated by websites employing deceptive advertising networks. It is important to note that the content displayed on these rogue sites may be tailored based on the visitor's IP address, specifically their geolocation.

During our examination, was found to promote the "TROJAN_2023 And Other Viruses Detected (5)" scam. This scam involves a fabricated system scan and multiple false threat alerts. These assertions are entirely unfounded, as no website can legitimately detect viruses or issues on visitors' devices. Typically, scams of this nature are employed to endorse untrustworthy and potentially harmful software.

Moreover, sought permission to deliver browser notifications. If granted, this webpage would inundate users with advertisements that could promote online scams, unreliable software, and even malware.

What Are Rogue Advertising Networks?

Rogue advertising networks refer to networks of online advertisements that are used for deceptive, fraudulent, or malicious purposes. These networks engage in practices that violate ethical advertising standards and often contribute to the dissemination of scams, malware, or other unwanted content. Here are some characteristics and activities associated with rogue advertising networks:

Deceptive Ad Content:
Rogue advertising networks may display misleading or deceptive advertisements that entice users to click on them, leading to potentially harmful websites or scams.

Malvertising, short for malicious advertising, involves the distribution of online ads that contain malicious code. Clicking on these ads can lead to the download of malware or the redirection to malicious websites.

Phishing Scams:
Some rogue advertising networks are involved in promoting phishing scams. They may display ads that mimic legitimate websites to trick users into providing sensitive information.

Unwanted Redirects:
Rogue networks can cause unauthorized and often unnoticed redirects of users from legitimate websites to malicious or spammy sites. This can happen without the user's consent or awareness.

Browser Notification Spam:
Rogue advertising networks may abuse browser notification permissions to deliver spammy or malicious notifications to users, promoting scams or unwanted content.

Exploitation of Vulnerabilities:
In some cases, rogue networks may exploit vulnerabilities in advertising platforms or websites to inject malicious code or execute attacks.

November 27, 2023

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