Why You Should Not Trust the PDF Converty New Tab Browser Extension

browser hijacker redirect website

The PDF Converty New Tab browser extension, upon closer examination, raises significant concerns that warrant your attention and caution. Marketed as a tool for converting files into the popular PDF format, this seemingly innocuous application reveals a darker agenda beneath its facade.

Browser Hijacking and Altered Settings

PDF Converty New Tab operates as a browser hijacker, a category of software that manipulates web browser settings to promote a particular agenda. In this case, it aims to steer users towards a counterfeit search engine known as feed.promisearch.com. This is achieved by tampering with vital browser configuration settings, including the default search engine, new tab page, and homepage. The result? Users are coerced into using feed.promisearch.com, which, upon closer examination, appears to be a mere front. This fake search engine, instead of providing original search results, directs users to the trusted search engine, search.yahoo.com, which is owned by Yahoo.

The Dangers of Endorsing Fake Search Engines

The use of counterfeit search engines raises red flags, primarily because it can lead users into interacting with dubious and potentially unreliable content. This scenario not only tarnishes the browsing experience but also exposes users to an array of undesirable consequences. For instance, browser hijackers are notorious for inundating users with intrusive pop-up advertisements and unwanted ads, often leading them to websites with questionable credibility. Such actions significantly heighten the risk of malware infections and compromise user privacy by harvesting personal information without consent.

Preventing Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers, like PDF Converty New Tab, can infiltrate your browser through various channels, leaving you wondering how they managed to creep into your system. One common method is through bundled software, where these hijackers piggyback on seemingly harmless or free applications from unreliable sources. The lack of clear notification during installation can catch users off guard, resulting in unexpected changes to their browser settings.

Another avenue through which browser hijacking occurs is by interacting with misleading advertisements, pop-ups, or harmful links. These online traps can trick users into unknowingly installing such hijackers.

To safeguard your system against browser hijackers:

  1. Exercise Caution: Be vigilant when downloading and installing software, especially from sources you are unsure about. Reading user reviews, carefully reviewing installation options to decline bundled software, and opting for "Advanced" or "Custom" settings can prevent unwanted installations.
  2. Stay Wary of Ads and Pop-ups: Avoid engaging with suspicious advertisements, pop-ups, or questionable links online. These can be entry points for browser hijacking and other malicious activities.
  3. Anti-Malware Software: If you suspect your computer has already fallen victim to a browser hijacker like PDF Converty New Tab, it's advisable to run a scan using a trusted anti-malware application. This can help detect and remove any unwanted software.

In conclusion, the PDF Converty New Tab browser extension may present itself as a useful tool for file conversion, but its underlying browser hijacking tactics make it an untrustworthy and potentially harmful application. To protect your browsing experience and privacy, it's crucial to exercise caution when downloading software and to remain vigilant against deceptive online tactics that can lead to unwanted browser modifications.

August 25, 2023

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