Ocean Saver Browser Hijacker Takes Over Your Internet Settings

web search browser hijacker

The tests performed on the Ocean Saver browser extension revealed that it is a hijacker used to promote oceansaver.net, an illicit search engine. It changes a web browser's defaults such as the homepage, new tab page, and search engine settings to link to this fake search engine. Despite being illegal, it generates results from Bing - a legitimate search engine provider.

Moreover, these shady search engines often include ads or sponsored links in order to generate income for those behind it. Additionally, they may gather information related to browsing activities such as searches made in order to serve targeted advertising or perpetrate other malicious activities.

In order for users to eliminate this browser hijacker and its associated fake search engine from their browsers' settings, manual removal is necessary.

How Are Browser Hijackers Like Ocean Saver Usually Distributed?

Browser hijackers like Ocean Saver are usually distributed through free software packages. For example, the Ocean Saver browser extension is commonly bundled with third-party applications, such as freeware and shareware. Users unknowingly download and install these programs and their associated browser hijackers when they download the free software. In some cases, malicious websites and email attachments also contain links to download infected software packages containing browser hijackers.

Why Are Fake Search Engine a Potential Privacy Threat?

Fake search engines can be a potential privacy threat because they can collect a user's search history and other browsing data for the purpose of targeted advertising or other malicious activities. This means that the fake search engine can track and store a user's online activity, potentially exposing them to privacy risks. Additionally, fake search engines may display additional advertisements or sponsored links in their results pages, which could contain malicious content that may lead to malware infections or other security threats.

February 28, 2023

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