Displays Fake Warning Messages


Our researchers came across the rogue website during an investigation into questionable websites. This website actively promotes online scams and burdens users with browser notification spam. Furthermore, it has the capability to redirect users to other, often dubious or malicious, websites.

It's important to note that the specific content and activities hosted on rogue sites like may vary depending on the visitor's IP address or geolocation.

At the time of our research, was running a well-known deceptive virus warning. This fraudulent content involves a fabricated system scan that falsely identifies multiple threats on the visitor's device. It's crucial to emphasize that this scam has no affiliation with the legitimate products spoofed by the misleading website

In most instances, scams of this nature are employed to endorse untrustworthy or harmful software, such as counterfeit antivirus tools, adware, browser hijackers, potentially unwanted applications (PUAs), and so on.

Furthermore, prompts visitors to enable browser notifications. If granted permission, the website bombards users with advertisements promoting online scams, unreliable or hazardous software, and potential malware.

In summary, websites like can expose users to a range of risks, including system infections, severe privacy breaches, financial losses, and even identity theft.

How Should You Act if You See a Virus Warning on a Website?

If you encounter a virus warning or any other alarming message on a website while browsing, it's essential to proceed with caution to protect your device and personal information. Here's how you should act in such a situation:

  • Do Not Click on Anything: First and foremost, resist the temptation to click on any part of the warning message, including buttons like "OK," "Cancel," or "Learn More." These buttons might trigger unwanted actions or further propagate the issue.
  • Do Not Download Anything: Avoid downloading any files or software that the website suggests to resolve the issue. These downloads could be malicious and potentially harmful to your device.
  • Do Not Provide Personal Information: Never enter personal or sensitive information on a website displaying a virus warning. Legitimate warnings do not require your personal data to be resolved.
  • Do Not Call Any Phone Numbers: Some scam websites display phone numbers and claim that you need to call for support. Do not call these numbers, as they may connect you to scammers who can try to manipulate you or trick you into revealing personal information or paying for unnecessary services.
  • Close the Tab or Browser: Immediately close the tab or your web browser to exit the website. If the website won't let you close the tab or browser easily, use the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc on Windows or Command+Option+Esc on Mac) to forcefully terminate the browser.
  • Clear Browser Cache and Cookies: After closing the browser, consider clearing your browser's cache and cookies to remove any potential remnants of the harmful website's data.
  • Run a Security Scan: Perform a full system scan using reputable antivirus or anti-malware software to check for any potential threats or infections that may have been triggered by visiting the website.
September 13, 2023

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