Flamehammer.top Displays Misleading Captcha

Our research team came across the flamehammer.top deceitful website during an examination of untrustworthy sites. This website is created to promote spam browser notifications, and at the time of our investigation, it accomplished this by employing a counterfeit CAPTCHA test. Additionally, it has the capability to send users to other (likely untrustworthy or harmful) websites.

Most visitors to flamehammer.top and similar webpages arrive there through redirects generated by websites that use questionable advertising networks.

It's important to note that the content encountered on rogue websites like this may vary based on visitors' IP addresses (geolocations).

When we visited flamehammer.top, it presented us with a phony CAPTCHA verification. The page featured a cartoon-style character wearing a badge standing next to a robot. The character had a speech bubble instructing users to "Press 'Allow' to verify that you are not a robot." If a visitor falls for this fake test, they inadvertently grant flamehammer.top permission to display browser notifications.

Upon clicking this button, we were redirected to a webpage promoting a scam similar to "Apple iPhone 14 Winner," "Chrome Search Contest 2022," "Loyalty Program," and numerous others.

Rogue websites utilize their notifications to conduct intrusive advertising campaigns. These advertisements primarily promote online scams, untrustworthy or hazardous software, and potential malware.

How Can You Recognize a Fake Captcha?

Recognizing a fake CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is crucial for avoiding potential online scams and malicious activities. Fake CAPTCHAs are often used by cybercriminals to trick users into taking actions that they wouldn't otherwise. Here are some tips to help you identify a fake CAPTCHA:

  • Check for Legitimate CAPTCHA Provider: Legitimate websites and services typically use well-known CAPTCHA providers like Google reCAPTCHA. If you encounter a CAPTCHA on a website and it doesn't seem to be provided by a reputable source, it might be fake.
  • Examine the Design: Fake CAPTCHAs may have design inconsistencies, such as blurry or distorted characters, unusual fonts, or poorly aligned elements. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually clear and well-designed.
  • Verify the Language: Legitimate websites usually display CAPTCHAs in the language corresponding to the website's content. If you see a CAPTCHA in a language unrelated to the website or it contains spelling or grammatical errors, it's likely fake.
  • Check for Context: CAPTCHAs should only appear in specific situations, such as during account creation, login attempts, or form submissions. If a CAPTCHA appears out of context or when you're not performing any action that requires human verification, be cautious.
  • Look for Unusual Instructions: Fake CAPTCHAs may include strange or suspicious instructions. For example, they might ask you to download and install something, click on a link, or perform actions unrelated to traditional CAPTCHA challenges.
  • Verify the Website URL: Ensure that the website displaying the CAPTCHA has a legitimate URL. Scammers often create fake websites with URLs that resemble well-known sites to deceive users.
  • Beware of Pop-Up CAPTCHAs: Fake CAPTCHAs may appear as pop-up windows, especially if they are not related to a legitimate website. Be cautious when encountering CAPTCHAs in pop-up form.
  • Use Common Sense: Trust your instincts. If something about a CAPTCHA seems off or if it asks you to do something that doesn't make sense, it's better to be cautious and not proceed.
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