Displays Misleading Survey

computer survey

While investigating untrustworthy websites, our research team came across a rogue webpage called This particular webpage is intentionally designed to promote dubious content and inundate users with spam notifications. Moreover, it has the ability to redirect users to various websites, which are likely to be unreliable or harmful.

Users typically reach and similar webpages through redirects initiated by websites utilizing rogue advertising networks.

It is important to note that the content featured on these rogue sites may vary depending on the visitor's IP address and geolocation.

During our research, presented us with a questionable questionnaire. Additionally, the webpage requested permission to send browser notifications. If granted, will spam users with notifications in the form of ads that endorse online scams, unreliable or hazardous software, and potentially even malware.

In summary, websites like expose users to risks such as system infections, serious privacy concerns, financial losses, and the potential for identity theft.

What Are the Common Social Engineering Tricks that Sites Like Use?

Sites like often employ various social engineering tricks to manipulate and deceive users. These tricks exploit psychological and emotional factors to convince users to take certain actions or disclose sensitive information. Here are some common social engineering techniques used by such sites:

  • Fake surveys/questionnaires: Rogue websites may present users with seemingly legitimate surveys or questionnaires, enticing them to participate. These surveys often promise rewards or incentives, creating a sense of urgency or excitement to encourage user engagement.
  • Urgency and scarcity tactics: To pressure users into taking immediate action, these sites may create a false sense of urgency or scarcity. They may use phrases like "limited time offer" or "exclusive opportunity" to make users believe they must act quickly to avoid missing out.
  • Trust indicators and endorsements: Rogue websites may display fake trust indicators, such as bogus customer testimonials, fake security badges, or unauthorized use of well-known company logos. These tactics aim to establish credibility and make users feel more comfortable providing personal information.
  • Fear and intimidation: Some rogue sites use fear or intimidation to manipulate users. They may display alarming messages, such as false security alerts or warnings about impending consequences, to prompt users into taking immediate action without careful consideration.
  • Phishing and credential theft: Rogue websites often mimic legitimate platforms or services to trick users into disclosing their login credentials or other sensitive information. They may use deceptive login forms or email campaigns that appear authentic, luring users into providing their personal data.
  • Manipulative pop-ups and notifications: These sites utilize intrusive pop-ups, notifications, or overlays that attempt to mislead users. They may claim that users have won a prize, encountered a security threat, or need to update their software, leading users to unwittingly download malware or disclose personal information.
  • Impersonation and authority exploitation: Some rogue sites may impersonate well-known brands, organizations, or authoritative figures to gain users' trust. By pretending to be someone reputable, they deceive users into believing they are interacting with a trusted entity.

It's important for users to be cautious and skeptical when encountering such social engineering techniques. Being aware of these tricks and maintaining a healthy level of skepticism can help protect against falling victim to scams and fraudulent activities.

June 12, 2023

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