Uses Fake Captcha to Push Ads

captcha employs deceptive tactics to coerce users into agreeing to its push notifications, enabling the delivery of unsolicited and bothersome notifications to your computer or mobile device. operates as a misleading website, exploiting the browser's innate push notifications system to display spammy popup advertisements on targeted individuals' devices.

By utilizing fabricated error messages and alerts, employs a strategy of deceit to manipulate users into subscribing to its push notifications. Should you choose to subscribe to's notifications, you will find yourself receiving spam popups resembling the provided image, directly on your device, even when your browser is not active. These advertisements predominantly promote adult websites, online games, counterfeit software updates, and unwanted applications.

How Can You Tell a Fake Anti-Bot Check from a Real One?

Distinguishing between a fake anti-bot check and a legitimate one can sometimes be challenging, as cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated in mimicking real security measures. However, there are several indicators you can look for to help identify whether an anti-bot check is genuine or fake:

  • Source and URL: Pay close attention to the web address (URL) of the page where the anti-bot check appears. Make sure it matches the legitimate website's domain. Double-check for any unusual characters, misspellings, or additional subdomains that could indicate a fake site.
  • Design and Layout: Legitimate websites typically maintain a consistent design and layout throughout their pages. If the anti-bot check page's design significantly differs from the rest of the website or looks unprofessional, it might be a fake.
  • Language and Wording: Legitimate anti-bot checks use clear and concise language, often explaining the purpose of the check and providing user-friendly instructions. If the text is poorly written, contains grammatical errors, or uses overly aggressive language, it could be a fake.
  • Interactive Elements: Real anti-bot checks often use standard interactive elements, like checkboxes, sliders, or simple puzzles. Be cautious if the check requires you to perform tasks that seem unrelated or overly complex.
  • Time Constraint: If the anti-bot check pressures you to complete the task within an unusually short time frame, it could be an attempt to prevent you from carefully evaluating its legitimacy.
  • HTTPS and SSL Certificates: Check for a valid SSL certificate and the "https://" protocol in the website's URL. This indicates that the website is secure and encrypts data between your browser and the server. Keep in mind, though, that some fake sites might also use SSL certificates to appear legitimate.
August 16, 2023

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