BlackLegion Ransomware Lists No Specific Ransom


BlackLegion is a form of ransomware that encrypts files, rendering them inaccessible to victims. Without decryption, encrypted files cannot be opened. Additionally, BlackLegion alters filenames by appending a string of random characters, an email address, and the ".BlackLegion" extension. For example, "1.jpg" becomes "1.jpg.[74392849].[].BlackLegion," and a similar pattern is applied to other files.

The ransom note, titled "DecryptNote.txt," accompanies this encryption process. It informs victims that their data has been encrypted due to identified security issues on their systems. To decrypt the data, the note demands payment and provides instructions for victims to contact the perpetrators for further details. The note strongly advises against attempting any independent recovery methods, as these efforts may result in damage to the data.

According to the note, the encryption employs a sophisticated algorithm, and the decryption key is exclusively held by the responsible group. After successful decryption, the note mentions providing security recommendations to enhance the system's security.

An initial line of communication through Telegram is provided, with alternative contact information via email in case if there is no response within 24 hours. The note concludes with a unique ID and personal ID.

BlackLegion Ransom Note in Full

The complete text of the BlackLegion ransom note reads as follows:

Hello dear,

Your data has been encrypted by our team due to a security issue on your system.

to decrypt it, a payment is required. message us for more information.

Please do not use any tools or methods to recover your data, as it may cause damage.

Your data has been encrypted with an algorithm and the key is only available to us.

If you want to try any method, make sure to backup your data beforehand.

After decrypting your system, we will provide you with security recommendations to improve your system's security.

To contact us, first message us on Telegram. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours then email us.

Contact information:

Telegram: @blacklegion_support

Mail 1:

Mail 2:

UniqueID: -

PersonalID : -

How Can Ransomware Like BlackLegion Infect Your System?

Ransomware like BlackLegion can infect a system through various means, and it often relies on deceptive or malicious tactics to exploit vulnerabilities. Here are common ways ransomware can infiltrate a system:

  • Phishing Emails: Cybercriminals often use phishing emails to distribute ransomware. These emails may contain malicious attachments or links that, when clicked, execute the ransomware payload. The emails may impersonate legitimate entities or use social engineering tactics to trick users into taking actions that trigger the malware installation.
  • Malicious Websites: Visiting compromised or malicious websites can expose your system to ransomware. This can happen through drive-by downloads, where malware is automatically downloaded and executed without the user's knowledge or consent.
  • Malvertising: Cybercriminals may compromise online advertisements to deliver ransomware. Users can unknowingly encounter these malicious ads while browsing legitimate websites, and clicking on them may trigger the download and execution of the ransomware.
  • Exploiting Software Vulnerabilities: Ransomware can take advantage of vulnerabilities in software, operating systems, or applications. If a system is not promptly updated with the latest security patches, it becomes susceptible to exploitation by ransomware and other types of malware.
  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Attacks: Attackers may exploit weak or easily guessable passwords to gain unauthorized access to systems through Remote Desktop Protocol. Once inside, they can deploy ransomware directly on the compromised system.
  • Malicious Downloads: Users may inadvertently download and execute ransomware when they interact with seemingly harmless files or software obtained from untrustworthy sources. This can include downloading files from unofficial websites or clicking on links in unsolicited messages.
December 1, 2023

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