BLACK ICE Ransomware Demands Bitcoin Ransom


The BLACK ICE ransomware is a form of malicious software designed with the intention of encrypting data and then demanding a ransom to decrypt it. Moreover, this software employs a strategy known as double extortion.

After running a test instance of BLACK ICE on our trial computer, it proceeded to encrypt files and alter their filenames by adding a ".ICE" extension. For example, a file originally labeled "1.jpg" would transform into "1.jpg.ICE," while "2.png" would become "2.png.ICE," and so forth. Once the encryption process was finalized, the ransomware generated a ransom note named "ICE_Recovery.txt."

The message within the BLACK ICE ransom note notifies the victim that their files have been both encrypted and taken. In order to start the procedure of regaining access to the data, the victim is given instructions to reach out to the attackers, send them a specific file that adheres to certain criteria for a decryption test, and make the ransom payment. Although the exact amount of the demanded payment is not specified in the note, it does indicate that the ransom must be paid using the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Should the victim choose not to negotiate with the cybercriminals, the pilfered data will be exposed. The message cautions against altering or erasing encrypted files, utilizing third-party decryption tools, or seeking help from data recovery companies.

BLACK ICE Ransom Note Asks for Bitcoin Payment

The full text of the BLACK ICE ransom note reads as follows:

Personal ID : -

and now have the "ICE" extension.

There is only one way to get your files back:

  1. Contact with us
  2. In subject line please write your Personal ID
  3. To prove that we can decrypt your files, send us 1 unimportant encrypted files. (up to 1 MB) and we will decrypt them for free.
  4. We accept Bitcoin

Contact us:

Do not delete or modify encrypted files.

Any attempts to restore your files with the thrid-party software will be fatal for your files!
To recovery your data and not to allow data leakage, it is possible only through purchase of a private key from us.

Don't go to recovery companies, they are essentially just middlemen who will make money off you and cheat you.
We are well aware of cases where recovery companies tell you that the ransom price is 5 BTC but in fact they secretly negotiate with us for 1 BTC, so they earn 4 BTC from you.
If you approached us directly without intermediaries you would pay 5 times less, that is 1 BTC.

How Can Ransomware Like BLACK ICE Enter Your System?

Ransomware like BLACK ICE can enter your system through various methods, often exploiting vulnerabilities or employing social engineering tactics. Here are some common ways ransomware can infiltrate your system:

  • Phishing Emails: One of the most prevalent methods is through phishing emails. You might receive an email with a malicious attachment or a link to a compromised website. Once you interact with the attachment or link, the ransomware gets downloaded onto your system.
  • Malicious Downloads: Visiting untrustworthy websites or downloading software from unofficial sources can expose you to ransomware. Cybercriminals can disguise ransomware as legitimate software, games, or other attractive downloads.
  • Exploit Kits: Ransomware can take advantage of software vulnerabilities in your system or applications. Exploit kits are tools that cybercriminals use to find and exploit these vulnerabilities, allowing the ransomware to enter your system.
  • Drive-By Downloads: These occur when you unknowingly download malware by simply visiting a compromised website. The malware is delivered through the browser without any user interaction.
  • Malvertising: Cybercriminals can compromise legitimate online advertising networks, placing malicious ads on various websites. Clicking on these ads can lead to ransomware infections.
  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Attacks: If your RDP is not properly secured, hackers can exploit weak passwords or security flaws to gain remote access to your system and deploy ransomware.
  • Malicious Macros: Ransomware can be spread through infected documents that contain malicious macros. If you enable macros in these documents, the ransomware can be executed.
  • Watering Hole Attacks: Cybercriminals compromise websites that are frequently visited by their target audience. When users visit these websites, they inadvertently download ransomware onto their systems.
August 17, 2023

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