UNIZA Ransomware Leaves Filenames Intact


The ransomware program UNIZA is a type of malware that encrypts data and demands a ransom for its decryption.

Unlike many ransomware programs, UNIZA does not modify filenames after encrypting files on the infected machine. Once the encryption process is complete, a ransom note is displayed in the Command Prompt window, which informs the victim that their files have been encrypted and that they must pay a ransom to decrypt their data. The attackers demand a payment of 20 EUR in Bitcoin cryptocurrency and provide instructions for contacting them after the ransom has been transferred.

It is important for users to take precautions to protect their systems from ransomware attacks, such as regularly backing up data and avoiding suspicious email attachments or downloads.

How Can Ransomware Like UNIZA Get on Your System?

Ransomware programs like UNIZA can get on your system in various ways. One common method is through phishing emails that trick users into downloading and executing malicious attachments or clicking on links that lead to malware downloads. Ransomware can also be spread through exploit kits that take advantage of vulnerabilities in outdated software or operating systems.

In some cases, ransomware may be bundled with legitimate software or downloaded from fake websites that mimic legitimate ones. Once the ransomware is executed on the victim's machine, it begins to encrypt files and demand payment for decryption. To protect your system from ransomware attacks, it is important to keep your software and operating system up to date with the latest security patches, avoid downloading software or attachments from untrusted sources, and regularly backup your data.

Additionally, using anti-virus and anti-malware software can help detect and prevent ransomware infections.

April 26, 2023

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