Orkhovdimin.xyz Pushes Annoying Ads

ads advertisements adware

Orkhovdimin dot xyz is a misleading website, set up solely for the purpose of sticking intrusive ads in your browser.

Orkhovdimin dot xyz and most similar pages are all modeled similarly - the visitor is presented with a blank or a near-blank page and some text that tells them to "click allow to continue", or something to that effect.

This message is often displayed right below the browser's "allow notifications" prompt. Of course, if you click 'allow' you will not 'continue' to any meaningful content hosted on the page, simply because there is none.

Orkhovdimin dot xyz and other pages like it will only send intrusive and potentially harmful ads to your browser if you do click that "allow notifications" button. Those ads are commonly sourced from rogue ad networks and may refer to badware, questionable content, other misleading pages, or worse.

Always make sure to check the domain name in your address bar and when a website whose name is obviously random letters thrown together, like Orkhovdimin, simply never interact with the page and close the browser tab right away.

June 7, 2022

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