Abuses Browser Notifications to Push Ads

browser hijacker

During our investigation of suspicious websites, our research team came across the fraudulent webpage This website is involved in the promotion of browser notification spam and the redirection of visitors to other websites, which are likely to be unreliable or malicious.

Users typically encounter and similar webpages through redirects initiated by sites that use deceptive advertising networks. It's worth noting that the behavior of a fraudulent webpage, including its content and endorsements, may vary based on the visitor's IP address or geographical location.

Upon visiting, we encountered clickbait content. The webpage displayed a fake video player with instructions below it, urging visitors to "Press Allow to watch the video." If a visitor falls for this deception and clicks the button, they unintentionally grant permission to to display browser notifications. These notifications primarily promote online scams, untrustworthy or harmful software, and even malware.

In summary, websites like can expose users to the risk of system infections, serious privacy breaches, financial losses, and even identity theft.

What Are Rogue Online Ad Networks?

Rogue online ad networks are illegitimate or unscrupulous advertising networks that engage in deceptive or malicious practices in the online advertising ecosystem. These networks exploit the digital advertising infrastructure for their own gain, often at the expense of legitimate advertisers, publishers, and website visitors. Here are some key characteristics and practices associated with rogue online ad networks:

  • Deceptive Advertising Practices: Rogue ad networks often use deceptive tactics in their ad campaigns. This includes misleading ads, false claims, and clickbait designed to trick users into clicking on ads or taking certain actions.
  • Malware Distribution: Some rogue ad networks may deliver malicious ads that lead to malware downloads or infections. This can include ransomware, spyware, adware, or other harmful software.
  • Unwanted Redirects: Rogue networks frequently employ techniques that redirect users to other websites without their consent. These redirects may lead to phishing sites, fake tech support pages, or other malicious destinations.
  • Invasive Data Collection: Some rogue networks engage in aggressive data collection practices, often without user consent. This can lead to privacy violations and unwanted tracking.
  • Ad Fraud: Rogue ad networks may generate fake ad impressions and clicks, artificially inflating metrics to generate revenue. This practice defrauds advertisers and publishers.
  • Low-Quality Traffic: They often drive low-quality, non-targeted traffic to websites, which can harm the reputation of legitimate publishers and advertisers.
October 16, 2023

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