MyFootballTab Browser Extension

We found that MyFootballTab compels users to visit and use by modifying their web browser settings, a technique referred to as browser hijacking. Besides taking control of the browser, MyFootballTab may also gather diverse user data.

MyFootballTab compels users to carry out searches through by configuring it as the default search engine, homepage, and new tab page. Although appears to function as a search engine, users attempting to perform a search with a hijacked browser are promptly redirected from to

As a result, users receive search results generated by Bing, a reputable search engine, effectively transforming into a deceptive search engine. It is crucial to recognize that unreliable search engines cannot be trusted, as they often prioritize the interests of their operators over providing accurate and reliable search results to users.

Fake search engines frequently manipulate search rankings, present irrelevant or misleading content, and may redirect users to untrustworthy websites. Furthermore, they commonly engage in data collection practices that jeopardize user privacy and security.

The information collected by browser hijackers or counterfeit search engines can be exploited for malicious purposes. This data typically includes browsing history, search queries, and other sensitive personal details. Malicious actors can leverage this information for targeted advertising, identity theft, or potentially sell it on the dark web for illicit activities.

What Are Rogue Browser Extensions?

Rogue browser extensions, also known as malicious or rogue browser add-ons, are unauthorized and harmful extensions that users may unknowingly install in their web browsers. These extensions are designed to manipulate the browser's functionality, compromise user privacy, and potentially conduct malicious activities. Here are some characteristics and risks associated with rogue browser extensions:

Unauthorized Installation:
Rogue extensions often get installed without the user's explicit consent or knowledge. They may be bundled with seemingly harmless software or disguised as legitimate browser extensions.

Malicious Activities:
Rogue extensions can engage in various malicious activities, such as injecting unwanted advertisements (adware), redirecting web traffic, stealing sensitive information, or even conducting phishing attacks.

Browser Hijacking:
Some rogue extensions may take control of the browser's settings, altering the homepage, default search engine, or new tab page. This practice is known as browser hijacking and is intended to force users into visiting specific websites or displaying unwanted content.

Data Collection:
Rogue extensions may collect user data, including browsing history, search queries, login credentials, and personal information. This data can be exploited for targeted advertising, identity theft, or sold on the dark web.

Fake Functionality:
Some rogue extensions masquerade as legitimate tools or utilities but provide fake or limited functionality. Users may install them thinking they serve a useful purpose, only to discover later that they compromise their online security.

Security Vulnerabilities:
Rogue extensions can introduce security vulnerabilities to the browser, making it more susceptible to other malware or exploitation. They may also weaken the browser's security features.

February 21, 2024

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