How to Safely Detect and Remove Lilium Ransomware To Prevent File Encryption


Lilium ransomware, part of the VoidCrypt family, poses a significant threat by encrypting files and demanding a ransom for their decryption. This guide provides crucial steps to detect and remove Lilium ransomware to safeguard your data.

File Encryption and Renaming

Once Lilium ransomware infiltrates a system, it encrypts files and renames them with an appended email address, a string of random characters, and the ".lilium" extension. For instance, "1.jpg" becomes "1.jpg.[][PXC4RJLTIQMEF3N].lilium" and "2.png" becomes "2.png.[][PXC4RJLTIQMEF3N].lilium".

Ransom Note Details

Lilium leaves a ransom note titled "!INFO.HTA" that informs victims their files have been encrypted using a secure algorithm. The note warns that the decryption price will double after 48 hours and instructs victims to pay in Bitcoins. It also provides two email addresses for contact: and

The Lilium Ransomware ransom note reads like the following:

!!! Your Files Has Been Encrypted !!!your files has been locked with highest secure cryptography algorithm
there is no way to decrypt your files without paying and buying Decryption tool
but after 48 hour decryption price will be double
you can send some little files for decryption test
test file should not contain valuable data
after payment you will get decryption tool ( payment Should be with Bitcoin)
so if you want your files dont be shy feel free to contact us and do an agreement on price
!!! or Delete you files if you dont need them !!!Your ID :-
our Email
In Case Of No Answer

Paying the Ransom

Paying the ransom is not recommended as it does not guarantee the attackers will provide a decryption tool. Additionally, it may encourage further criminal activities.

Alternative Decryption Methods

Victims might find free decryption tools online to recover their files without paying the ransom. Another effective strategy is to restore files from a backup if one is available.

Removing the Ransomware

Removing the ransomware from the infected computer as soon as possible is crucial. While active, ransomware can spread across a local network and encrypt more files.

General Ransomware Characteristics

Ransomware typically encrypts files using strong cryptographic algorithms, demands payment in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, and provides instructions for contacting the attackers. Ransomware may also be distributed alongside other malware, such as information stealers. Notable ransomware variants include Capibara, Scrypt, and Vehu.

Cybercriminals use various methods to deliver ransomware:

  • Malicious email attachments or links.
  • Pirated software and cracking tools.
  • Exploiting software vulnerabilities.
  • Malicious advertisements and compromised websites.
  • Infected USB drives and P2P networks.
  • Trojans designed to deploy ransomware.

Preventing Ransomware Infections

Safe Download Practices

Only download applications and files from official websites or app stores. Avoid downloading pirated software and using P2P networks or unofficial sites.

Keeping Software Updated

Regularly update the operating system and installed programs to protect against vulnerabilities.

Email Caution

Be cautious with emails containing links or attachments, especially from unknown senders. Avoid opening unexpected files or links as they may contain malware.

Responding to a Lilium Infection

If your computer is already infected with Lilium ransomware, running a scan with a reputable anti-malware tool can help automatically eliminate the threat. Regularly backing up your data and maintaining robust cybersecurity practices can prevent future ransomware infections.

May 23, 2024

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