Centrumbook.com Uses Misleading Bot Check to Send Ads

During our routine investigation of suspicious websites, our researchers recently came across the centrumbook.com rogue page. This webpage operates by promoting spam notifications and redirecting visitors to other sites, which are likely to be untrustworthy or dangerous.

Typically, users access webpages like centrumbook.com through redirects caused by websites that utilize rogue advertising networks.

It's important to note that the operations of rogue pages may vary depending on the geolocation of visitors' IP addresses. In other words, the content endorsed on these sites may differ based on location.

When we visited the centrumbook.com webpage, we encountered an image of a purple robot accompanied by instructions to click 'Allow' if we were not a robot. However, it is crucial to emphasize that this CAPTCHA verification is fake. Thus, by completing this deceptive test, users unintentionally grant permission for centrumbook.com to deliver browser notifications.

Upon clicking "Allow," we were redirected to a website commonly used to promote adware, browser hijackers, and other potentially harmful software.

Rogue pages exploit their notifications to conduct intrusive advertisement campaigns. These ads primarily promote online scams, unreliable or hazardous software, and even malware.

To summarize, websites like centrumbook.com can expose users to risks such as system infections, serious privacy concerns, financial losses, and potential identity theft.

How Can You Tell an Anti-Bot Check on a Page is Fake?

Identifying whether an anti-bot check on a page is fake requires a careful examination of certain characteristics and behaviors. Here are some indicators that can help you determine if an anti-bot check is genuine or deceptive:

  • Unusual or overly simple CAPTCHA: Legitimate anti-bot checks usually present CAPTCHA challenges that require some level of human understanding or cognitive ability to solve. If the CAPTCHA is extremely simple, such as a single click or a straightforward question that almost anyone can answer, it could be a sign of a fake anti-bot check.
  • Lack of variety in CAPTCHA challenges: Legitimate anti-bot systems often employ a variety of CAPTCHA challenges to prevent automated scripts from easily bypassing them. If you repeatedly encounter the same or similar CAPTCHA challenges on different pages, it may indicate a fake anti-bot check.
  • Absence of error handling: Genuine anti-bot systems typically include error handling mechanisms to account for mistakes made by users when solving CAPTCHAs. They may provide options to refresh or retry the CAPTCHA in case of errors. If an anti-bot check lacks any form of error handling and immediately accepts any input, it suggests a fake implementation.
  • Suspicious website or domain: Evaluate the credibility and reputation of the website hosting the anti-bot check. If the website is known for illicit or suspicious activities, or if it has a high frequency of displaying deceptive content, it raises doubts about the legitimacy of the anti-bot check.

Remember, it's always important to exercise caution and use your judgment when encountering anti-bot checks or any other security measures on websites. If something feels suspicious or doesn't align with the expected behavior of a genuine anti-bot check, it's best to proceed with caution or avoid interacting with it altogether.

June 12, 2023

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