C3RB3R Ransomware is a Clone of Cerber


C3RB3R represents a recent iteration of the Cerber ransomware, a type of malware designed to encrypt data and demand payment for its decryption. Like other ransomware variants, C3RB3R alters filenames after encryption, appending either the ".LOCK3D" extension (with an uppercase "O" and not a zero digit) or ".L0CK3D" (with the zero digit in the place of the letter "O"). For instance, a file originally named "1.jpg" would be transformed into either "1.jpg.LOCK3D" or "1.jpg.L0CK3D" following the encryption process. Once this encryption is complete, C3RB3R deposits a ransom message titled "read-me3.txt"; it's worth noting that the numerical component in the filename may vary.

The ransom note from C3RB3R explicitly cautions the victim against deleting the provided text file. It communicates that the encrypted files are now inaccessible, and the sole means of data recovery is through the purchase of decryption software from the attackers. The ransomware operators also warn that attempts to decrypt files using external tools will render them undecryptable with their tool.

Moreover, the victim is informed that their sensitive data has been stolen and will be put up for sale on the dark web if the ransom is not paid. For additional information, the victim is directed to access the cyber criminals' website on the Tor network.

The ransomware web page interface specifies a ransom amount of 0.085000 BTC (Bitcoin cryptocurrency). Notably, if the payment is not made within five days, the sum will double to 0.170000 BTC.

C3RB3R Produces Lengthy Ransom Note

The full text of the ransom note the C3RB3R generates reads as follows:



All your important files have been encrypted. Any attempts to restore your files with thrid-party software will be fatal for your files! The only way to decrypt your files safely is to buy the special decryption software "C3rb3r Decryptor". We have also downloaded a lot of data from your system. If you do not pay, we will sell your data on the dark web.

You should get more information on our page, which is located in a Tor hidden network.
1.Download Tor browser - hxxps://www.torproject.org/
2.Install and run Tor browser
3.Connect with the button "Connect"
4.Open link in Tor browser : -
5.The site should be loaded. if for some reason the site is not loading wait for a moment and try again
6.Follow the instructions on this page

You can proceed with purchasing of the decryption software at your personal page:
(TOR url)

At this page you will receive the complete instructions how to buy the decryption software for restoring all your files. Also at this page you will be able to restore any one file for free to be sure "C3rb3r Decryptor" will help you.

1.Do not try to recover files yourself, this process can damage your data and recovery will become impossible.
2.Do not waste time trying to find the solution on the internet. The longer you wait, the higher will become the decryption software price.
3.Tor Browser may be blocked in your country or corporate network. Use Tor Browser over VPN.

How is Ransomware Like C3RB3R Usually Distributed?

Ransomware like C3RB3R is typically distributed through various deceptive and malicious methods. Here are common avenues through which ransomware is often spread:

Phishing Emails:
One of the most common methods is through phishing emails. Cybercriminals send emails with malicious attachments or links, often disguised as legitimate documents or files. Clicking on these links or opening attachments can initiate the download and execution of the ransomware.

Malicious Links:
Ransomware can be distributed through malicious links in emails, social media messages, or on compromised websites. Clicking on these links may lead to the automatic download and installation of the ransomware.

Exploit Kits:
Exploit kits are tools used by attackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in software. When a user visits a compromised website, the exploit kit can deliver and install ransomware onto the user's system.

Malvertising involves placing malicious advertisements on legitimate websites. Clicking on these ads can lead to the download of ransomware. Cybercriminals may use ad networks to reach a broader audience.

Drive-By Downloads:
Cybercriminals can compromise legitimate websites and inject malicious code that triggers the automatic download and installation of ransomware when users visit the site, even without clicking on anything.

Watering Hole Attacks:
In a watering hole attack, cybercriminals compromise websites frequented by their target audience. When users visit these sites, they may unknowingly download ransomware. This method is often used against specific industries or groups.

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