Bspojzo Ransomware Will Lock Victim Systems

Bspojzo stands as a form of malicious software classified within the realm of ransomware. Our team of researchers stumbled upon it during the evaluation of new malware submissions. This malevolent application falls under the umbrella of the Snatch ransomware group. Bspojzo's primary purpose revolves around data encryption, coupled with a subsequent demand for payment in exchange for the decryption solution.

Under the influence of this ransomware, files find themselves attached with a ".bspojzo" extension. For instance, a file that was originally denoted as "1.jpg" transforms into "1.jpg.bspojzo," while "2.png" takes on the form of "2.png.bspojzo," and so forth. Once the process of encryption concludes, Bspojzo crafts a message of ransom, aptly titled "GUIDE TO RECOVERING YOUR BSPOJZO FILES.TXT."

The communication delivered by Bspojzo remains concise. It notifies the victim that their files have undergone encryption and are now inaccessible. The victim is prompted to initiate contact with the assailants. The message also includes a cautionary sentence, advising against any manual decryption or the utilization of third-party tools for data recovery.

Bspojzo Ransom Note Mentions No Ransom Sum

The complete text of the brief ransom note used by Bspojzo reads as follows:


All your files are encrypted!

Email me if you want to get your files back - I will do it very quickly!
Contact me by email: or

The subject line must contain an encryption extension or the name of your company!

Important! Do not try to decrypt files yourself or using third-party utilities.

How Can You Protect Your Data from Ransomware Attacks?

Safeguarding your data against ransomware attacks requires a multi-faceted approach that encompasses both proactive measures and reactive strategies. Here's a comprehensive set of steps to help protect your data from ransomware:

  • Regular Backups: Frequently back up your important data to offline or cloud storage. This ensures that even if your primary data is compromised, you can restore it from a secure backup source.
  • Update Software: Keep your operating system, software applications, and security software up to date. Regular updates often include patches for known vulnerabilities.
  • Email Vigilance: Be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on links, especially from unknown senders. Verify the legitimacy of the sender and content before taking any action.
  • Security Software: Use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software. Regularly scan your system for potential threats and keep your security software updated.
  • Firewall Protection: Enable firewalls on your devices and network to monitor and block incoming malicious traffic.
August 10, 2023

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