BlackByteNT Ransomware Does Not List Ransom Amount


BlackByteNT is a type of ransomware that employs encryption to block access to files. In addition, it modifies the names of files by appending a ".blackbytent" extension and replacing their original names with a string of random characters. For example, a file called "1.jpg" may be renamed "dnoJJlc=.blackbytent," while a file named "2.png" may be changed to "cXoJOEQf.blackbytent."

Upon infection, BlackByteNT creates a ransom note in the form of a text file named "BB_Readme_[random_string].txt." This note alerts victims that their files have been encrypted, and their confidential data has been stolen. To decrypt the files and prevent the data from being leaked, the victims are required to follow the instructions provided in the note.

The ransom note provides specific instructions, which include downloading and installing the TOR Browser from a designated website, and using the browser to access a particular URL that will direct the victims to a chat. The note also warns the victims that their files have already been put up for auction, and a delay in communicating with the attackers will result in an increase in the ransom price.

Moreover, the ransom note cautions victims not to use third-party tools to decrypt the files, as doing so would cause irreparable damage to the files with no possibility of recovery. To access the chat, a specific URL and key are provided in the ransom note.

BlackByteNT Ransom Note Tells Victims to Use Tor

The full text of the BlackByteNT ransom note reads as follows:


All your files have been encrypted, your confidential data has been stolen,
in order to decrypt files and avoid leakage, you must follow our steps.

1) Download and install TOR Browser from this site: hxxps://|

2) Paste the URL in TOR Browser and you will be redirected to our chat with all information that you need.

3) If you read this message thats means your files already for sell in our Auction.
Everyday of delaying will cause higer price. after 4 days if you wont connect us,
We will remove your chat access and you will lose your chance to get decrypted.

Warning! Communication with us occurs only through this link, or through our mail on our Auction.
We also strongly DO NOT recommend using third-party tools to decrypt files,
as this will simply kill them completely without the possibility of recovery.
I repeat, in this case, no one can help you!

Your URL: -

Your Key to access the chat: -=

Find our Auction here (TOR Browser): -

How is Ransomware Like BlackByteNT Distributed Online?

Ransomware like BlackByteNT can be distributed online in various ways, including through phishing emails, malvertising, exploit kits, and social engineering tactics.

Phishing emails are fraudulent messages that appear to be legitimate and aim to trick the recipient into clicking on a malicious link or downloading an infected file. Attackers may disguise the email as a trusted source, such as a known company, in order to convince the recipient to open the message and take action.

Malvertising involves the use of online ads to deliver malware to unsuspecting users. Advertisements can be placed on high-traffic websites and designed to appear legitimate, but when clicked, they redirect users to malicious websites where they can be infected with ransomware.

Exploit kits are software packages that take advantage of known vulnerabilities in software and systems to deliver malware to victims. Attackers can purchase or rent exploit kits on the dark web and use them to target specific groups or individuals.

Social engineering tactics involve the use of psychological manipulation to convince users to take actions that are not in their best interest. For example, attackers may pose as technical support or service providers and deceive users into providing access to their systems, or downloading and running a file that contains the ransomware.

In the case of BlackByteNT, it is likely that attackers used social engineering tactics, such as disguising the ransomware as a legitimate file, to deceive victims into downloading and executing the malware on their systems.

April 4, 2023

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