The AwesomeNewTab Browser Extension is Not Very "Awesome"

In the world of browser extensions, where convenience often meets with deception, the AwesomeNewTab browser extension emerges as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Promoted as a tool to simplify access to specific websites, it hides a darker purpose beneath its seemingly innocuous exterior.

Our diligent research team stumbled upon AwesomeNewTab while investigating deceptive websites. At first glance, it presents itself as a handy browser extension promising easy access to your favorite sites. However, what we uncovered was far from "awesome."

Unmasking the Browser Hijacker

Upon closer examination, we unmasked AwesomeNewTab for what it truly is—a browser hijacker. This insidious software doesn't play by the rules. Instead, it stealthily modifies your browser settings to wreak havoc on your online experience.

AwesomeNewTab Browser Hijacker Overview

So, what exactly does this browser hijacker do? It cunningly assigns promoted websites as your browser's default search engine, homepage, and new tab/window URLs. This means that every time you open a new tab or type in a search query, you're in for an unwelcome surprise—a redirect to some endorsed webpage.

What sets AwesomeNewTab apart from typical hijackers is its promotion of the genuine Bing search engine ( However, don't be fooled, for it might still lead you elsewhere, depending on factors like your geographical location.

Browser hijackers are notorious for their persistence, and AwesomeNewTab is no exception. It employs various techniques to ensure it stays put, making it difficult for you to regain control over your browser settings.

Your Data in Jeopardy

But that's not all. AwesomeNewTab has a voracious appetite for your data. It doesn't just stop at redirecting your searches—it wants to know more about you. It collects your search queries and, potentially, much more. This could include your browsing history, cookies, usernames, passwords, personal information, financial data, and beyond.

To sum it up, allowing software like AwesomeNewTab onto your device can lead to a cascade of problems. From system infections to severe privacy breaches, financial losses, and even the nightmare of identity theft, the dangers are real.

So, next time you come across the "AwesomeNewTab" browser extension, remember that beneath its enticing name lies a digital menace that's anything but awesome.

August 24, 2023

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