Is Safe?

store passwords correctly safely is a website, which promises to provide its users with access to streaming movies, TV series, events, and other entertainment. Some users also report that it was promoted to them through ads. Allegedly, the advertisements say that users will be able to access eBook downloads by subscribing to the service. What makes the offer even more attractive is that the site offers a free trial, which users can sign up for in order to fetch the content they are looking for. Subscription May Cost you Hundreds

What the site may not tell you, however, is that you can only sign up by providing credit card information. All of this sounds great at first, but the trouble will begin if you decide to sign up for the service. For starters, trying to cancel your account may end up telling you that you will only be able to do so in two months – there is likely to be a piece of text in the 'fine print,' which mentions this. Also, the trial period ends in 7 days, and you will be automatically charged €50 after it expires. A user who fell for the scam reports that they lost a total of €150 because they were unable to cancel their trial period.

Is safe to register with?

So, what is the answer to the question 'Is safe?' It seems that the website engages in some shady practices in order to attract customers and get them to sign up for the service. While the website does host streaming media and content, it relies on misleading tactics to get users to subscribe. We advise you to stay away from's services for the time being. It is possible that this website might clean up its act in the future, but for now it is considered to be non-trustworthy.

July 26, 2021

Cyclonis Backup Details & Terms

The Free Basic Cyclonis Backup plan gives you 2 GB of cloud storage space with full functionality! No credit card required. Need more storage space? Purchase a larger Cyclonis Backup plan today! To learn more about our policies and pricing, see Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Discount Terms and Purchase Page. If you wish to uninstall the app, please visit the Uninstallation Instructions page.

Cyclonis Password Manager Details & Terms

FREE Trial: 30-Day One-Time Offer! No credit card required for Free Trial. Full functionality for the length of the Free Trial. (Full functionality after Free Trial requires subscription purchase.) To learn more about our policies and pricing, see EULA, Privacy Policy, Discount Terms and Purchase Page. If you wish to uninstall the app, please visit the Uninstallation Instructions page.