Can You Trust The Videostream PUP?

potentially unwanted program (PUP)

VideoStream is a program that is categorized as potentially unwanted software, as it exhibits harmful behavior that can negatively impact your browsing experience. This software injects advertisements into websites that you visit and also redirects your browser search queries, potentially leading to undesirable and unrelated search results.

This unwanted software, also known as a browser hijacker, is designed to take over your browser's search engine and homepage, displaying unwanted ads that are not related to the content of the websites you visit. VideoStream typically operates through a browser extension or program installed on your computer.

Once VideoStream is installed, it will redirect your search queries through VideoStream Search, which then forwards to search result pages from The intention behind this is to generate advertising revenue through the use of Yahoo Search for its search results. Additionally, VideoStream will frequently open new tabs in your browser displaying advertisements promoting software, fake software updates, or tech support scams.

Common symptoms of VideoStream on your computer include changes to your web browser's default search engine to VideoStream Search, the redirection of your search queries through VideoStream Search, and the installation of a browser extension or program called "VideoStream" on your Mac. It is important to be cautious when downloading and installing software and to regularly scan your computer for potentially unwanted programs to avoid these types of unwanted browser hijacking activities.

How Can Potentially Unwanted Programs Similar to Videostream Get on Your System?

Potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) such as VideoStream can get onto your system in various ways, and often through deceptive methods. Some common ways that PUPs can infect your system include:

  • Bundled with free software: PUPs are often bundled with free software that you download from the internet. When you install the free software, the PUP is installed alongside it without your knowledge or consent.
  • Drive-by downloads: PUPs can also be downloaded automatically when you visit a website that has been compromised or contains malicious code. These downloads can happen without your knowledge or consent and are often referred to as "drive-by downloads."
  • Malicious email attachments: PUPs can also be delivered through email attachments, which when opened, can install the PUP on your system.
  • Social engineering: Cybercriminals can also use social engineering tactics to trick you into installing PUPs. For example, they may display fake alerts or warnings that claim your system is infected with a virus and ask you to download a program to fix it. This program is, in fact, a PUP.

To protect your system from PUPs, it is important to be cautious when downloading and installing software, especially from unknown or untrusted sources. It is also recommended to keep your system and software up-to-date with the latest security patches and to use reputable antivirus software to help detect and remove PUPs.

February 21, 2023

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