Spams Ads Through Push Notifications

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During our examination of suspicious websites, we came across, a deceptive webpage that engages in promoting browser notification spam and redirecting visitors to potentially untrustworthy or malicious sites. Our research team discovered this webpage while conducting investigations.

Visitors to pages like typically access them through redirects initiated by websites that employ illegitimate advertising networks.

It is important to note that the behavior of rogue pages can vary depending on the visitor's IP address or geolocation. In other words, the content encountered on these websites may be influenced by this data.

When we analyzed, we identified two different versions of its appearance. Both versions utilized a fake CAPTCHA verification process, which instructed users to click "Allow" to prove that they are not robots. These deceptive tests are designed to trick users into enabling browser notifications from the webpage.

If users grant permission, will display notifications in the form of advertisements that promote various scams, unreliable or harmful software, and even malware. Consequently, visiting sites like can lead to system infections and significant privacy concerns.

How Can Misleading Wesbsites Like Abuse Push Notifications to Spam Ads?

Misleading websites like exploit push notifications to spam ads by employing deceptive tactics. Here's a breakdown of how they abuse push notifications:

Fake CAPTCHA Verification: These websites often present a fake CAPTCHA verification prompt to visitors. Users are instructed to click "Allow" to prove that they are not robots. However, this action actually grants permission for the website to send push notifications to the user's browser.

Deceptive Notification Prompts: Once users click "Allow," the website gains the ability to deliver push notifications directly to their browsers. The notifications may appear as ads, enticing offers, or urgent messages to create a sense of urgency or curiosity.

Clickbait Content: The push notifications sent by these misleading websites are designed to attract attention and entice users to click on them. They may use clickbait tactics such as promising exclusive deals, freebies, or sensational news to trick users into engaging with the notifications.

Unwanted Advertisements: Once users interact with the push notifications, they are redirected to other websites, often of dubious or malicious nature. These sites may contain intrusive ads, promote scams, display unreliable content, or even distribute malware.

Monetization: The primary motive behind this abuse of push notifications is financial gain. Misleading websites earn revenue through various means, including affiliate marketing, where they earn commissions for driving traffic or generating leads for advertisers.

It is important for users to be cautious when granting permission for push notifications and to only allow them from trusted and reputable websites. Additionally, regularly reviewing and managing browser notification settings can help prevent unwanted spam ads and protect against deceptive tactics employed by websites like

May 19, 2023

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