Displays Misleading Bot Check

Our researchers identified the rogue webpage during an investigation into untrustworthy websites. Upon examination, we determined that this site promotes browser notification spam and redirects users to potentially dubious or dangerous websites.

Users typically encounter pages like through redirects triggered by websites utilizing rogue advertising networks. During our research, we encountered a deceptive lure on the page that mimicked a CAPTCHA verification test. However, it's important to note that the behavior of rogue sites, including their content or promotions, may change depending on the visitor's location. displayed images of five cartoon-style robots along with instructions prompting users to "Click 'Allow' if you are not a robot." Falling for this deceptive test grants permission to send browser notifications. Notably, unlike many similar deceptive websites, provides information about its notification practices, possibly due to new policies or policy changes related to hosting services.

Rogue websites exploit browser notifications to distribute intrusive advertising campaigns. These advertisements may endorse online scams, unreliable or harmful software, and malware.

Why Should You Always Avoid Clicking 'Allow' on Unfamiliar Websites?

You should always avoid clicking 'Allow' on unfamiliar websites for several important reasons:

Unwanted Browser Notifications: Clicking 'Allow' grants the website permission to send browser notifications directly to your device. These notifications can be intrusive, disruptive, and often contain spammy or misleading content.

Risk of Malicious Content: Unfamiliar websites may use browser notifications to deliver malicious or deceptive content. This can include links to scam websites, advertisements for potentially harmful software, or prompts to download malware onto your device.

Privacy Concerns: Allowing notifications from unknown websites can compromise your privacy. Some notifications may contain tracking elements that monitor your online behavior, potentially collecting sensitive information without your consent.

Increased Exposure to Scams: Websites that prompt users to click 'Allow' often engage in deceptive practices. They may use notifications to promote scams or phishing schemes, leading to financial losses or identity theft.

Potential for Unwanted Downloads: In some cases, clicking 'Allow' may trigger automatic downloads of files or software without your explicit consent. This can expose your device to viruses, adware, or other unwanted programs.

Difficulty in Revoking Permissions: Once you grant permission for notifications, it can be challenging to revoke these permissions later, especially if the website is designed to resist user attempts to disable notifications.

April 29, 2024

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