Hokarsoud.com Misleads Users into Accepting Ads

browser hijacker redirect website

Hokarsoud.com is a deceptive website designed to generate browser notification spam and direct users to other websites that are likely unreliable or dangerous in nature.

Most individuals who visit hokarsoud.com and similar pages are redirected there from websites employing untrustworthy advertising networks. Our research team uncovered this website during a routine examination of sites associated with such networks.

It's important to note that the content displayed on rogue websites like this one can vary based on the visitor's IP address or geographic location. When we accessed the hokarsoud.com page, it showed a continuously loading progress bar, accompanied by specific instructions.

The instructions prompted the visitor to click the "Allow" button to accept push notifications and continue watching content, implying that enabling browser notifications was essential to resume online viewing. Once we clicked "Allow," we were redirected to a webpage promoting the oWebster Search browser hijacker.

Rogue websites utilize browser notifications to conduct intrusive advertising campaigns. These advertisements often promote online scams, untrustworthy or harmful software, and potentially even malware.

In summary, websites like hokarsoud.com can expose users to system infections, significant privacy concerns, financial losses, and the risk of identity theft.

How Do Misleading Websites Work in Conjunction With Rogue Ad Networks?

Misleading websites often work in conjunction with rogue advertising networks to carry out deceptive practices and drive traffic to these websites. Here's how this partnership typically functions:

Creation of Misleading Websites:
Individuals or organizations create misleading websites that are designed to trick visitors into taking certain actions, such as subscribing to push notifications or clicking on ads. These websites may offer enticing content, fake offers, or false information to lure users.

Partnership with Rogue Ad Networks:
The creators of misleading websites collaborate with rogue advertising networks. Rogue ad networks are typically not reputable and may distribute low-quality or malicious advertisements. They often ignore advertising guidelines and may promote scams, unwanted software, or even malware.

Redirection through Ad Networks:
Misleading websites often employ techniques to redirect users to their pages. These redirection can be triggered through the ads served by rogue networks. These ads may appear on legitimate websites or be embedded within free software downloads.

Deceptive Advertising Practices:
Rogue ad networks serve deceptive advertisements that entice users with promises of free offers, prizes, or exclusive content. These ads encourage users to click or interact with them.

Encouraging Actions on Misleading Websites:
When users click on the deceptive ads, they are taken to the misleading websites. These websites employ persuasive tactics to encourage visitors to perform specific actions, such as allowing push notifications or providing personal information. For example, a misleading website might claim that clicking "Allow" is necessary to access content.

Execution of Deceptive Campaigns:
Users who fall for these tactics may unknowingly subscribe to push notifications, which can be used to deliver spammy or malicious advertisements. Additionally, the misleading websites may redirect users to other scam sites, potentially promoting browser hijackers, fake software, or online fraud.

October 26, 2023

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