Shows Misleading Anti-Bot Check

While investigating questionable websites, our research team came across, a deceitful page with two distinct appearances. Both versions employ counterfeit CAPTCHA tests to encourage browser notification spam. Furthermore, this site is capable of redirecting users to other, often suspicious or malicious, pages.

It's worth noting that visitors to and similar websites typically arrive there through redirects initiated by sites that make use of untrustworthy advertising networks. The content experienced on rogue webpages like this may change according to the visitor's IP address and location.

As previously mentioned, we identified at least two variations of Both employ deceptive CAPTCHA verification tests. In one version, a robot image states, "CLICK ALLOW TO CONFIRM THAT YOU ARE NOT A ROBOT!" In the other, there are images of a cartoon-style human and a robot, with the human instructing to "Press Allow to verify that you are not a robot."

However, attempting to complete this process inadvertently grants permission to send browser notifications. These notifications primarily serve to promote online scams, unreliable or hazardous software, and even malware.

How Can You Recognize a Fake Anti-Bot Check?

Recognizing a fake anti-bot check, also known as a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), is essential to avoid falling victim to deceptive websites or scams. Here are some signs to help you identify a fake anti-bot check:

  • Overly Simple Tasks: Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically involve tasks that are easy for humans to solve but challenging for automated bots. If the task seems too simple, like just clicking a single "I'm not a robot" checkbox, it might be a fake.
  • Poor Grammar and Spelling: Fake anti-bot checks often contain grammatical errors, misspelled words, or awkward phrasing. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually well-written and error-free.
  • Unusual Visuals: Fake CAPTCHAs may use unusual or unclear visuals that make it hard to discern the required action. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are designed to be straightforward and easily understood.
  • Excessive Pop-ups or Ads: If the anti-bot check is accompanied by excessive pop-up ads, it could be a sign of a deceptive website. Genuine CAPTCHAs don't inundate you with ads.
  • Unexpected Content: Be wary if the CAPTCHA is presented on a webpage that doesn't seem to require it. It might be a fake check on a page that has no logical reason for such a test.
  • Inconsistent Behavior: If you encounter a CAPTCHA that behaves strangely or doesn't seem to respond to your interactions as expected, it could be a fake. Legitimate CAPTCHAs usually work smoothly.
October 19, 2023

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