Uses Adult Lure to Spam Ads

Eight Pornographic Websites Hacked

Our investigation led us to discover the presence of the rogue webpage, which engages in the promotion of browser notification spam and redirects visitors to potentially unreliable or malicious websites.

We encountered this webpage while examining a spam email, and it is worth noting that visitors typically access sites like through redirects initiated by websites employing rogue advertising networks, mistyped URLs, intrusive ads, spam notifications, or the installation of adware.

The behavior of rogue pages can vary depending on the geolocation associated with the visitor's IP address. In simpler terms, this information plays a role in determining the content encountered while browsing such websites.

Upon inspection of the page, we encountered a deceptive video player featuring a play button resembling those commonly seen on YouTube. The webpage also contained instructions that urged users to "Press 'Allow' to watch the video".

However, rather than playing the expected video, clicking the "Allow" button grants permission to display browser notifications. These notifications serve as advertisements that promote online scams, untrustworthy or hazardous software, and even malware.

In conclusion, visiting websites like can expose users to risks such as system infections, serious privacy concerns, financial losses, and potential identity theft.

Why Should You Never Click 'Allow' on Unfamiliar Websites?

Clicking 'Allow' on unfamiliar websites can have serious consequences for your online privacy and security. Here are several reasons why you should avoid granting permission:

  • Unauthorized Notifications: Clicking 'Allow' gives the website permission to send you browser notifications. This can result in a flood of intrusive advertisements, spam messages, and potentially malicious content. It disrupts your browsing experience and can lead to exposure to scams or malware.
  • Malicious Redirects: Granting permission to unfamiliar websites can enable them to redirect you to other websites, often of dubious or malicious nature. These redirects can lead to phishing sites designed to steal your personal information or websites that distribute malware.
  • Privacy Invasion: Allowing notifications from unfamiliar websites can compromise your privacy. They may collect data about your browsing habits, preferences, and even personal information without your consent. This information can be used for targeted advertising or even sold to third parties.
  • Installation of Unwanted Software: Clicking 'Allow' may trigger the installation of unwanted or harmful software, such as adware, browser hijackers, or spyware. These programs can track your activities, display intrusive ads, modify your browser settings, and compromise your overall online security.

To protect your privacy and security, it is important to exercise caution and never click 'Allow' on unfamiliar websites. Be vigilant about the permissions you grant and review the reputation and credibility of websites before interacting with them. Keep your browser and security software up to date, and regularly review and remove any unfamiliar or suspicious browser extensions or applications.

June 12, 2023

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