Tutu 勒索软件加密大多数文件

Tutu 是一款与 Dharma 家族相关的勒索软件,旨在通过加密阻止受害者访问其文件。该恶意软件采用特定的文件命名模式,并显示一个弹出窗口,同时创建一个包含勒索消息的“README!.txt”文件。

勒索软件通过附加受害者的 ID、电子邮件地址“tutu@download_file”和“.tutu”扩展名来更改文件名。例如,它将“1.jpg”转换为“1.jpg.id-9ECFA84E.[tutu@download_file].tutu”,将“2.png”转换为“2.png.id-9ECFA84E.[tutu@download_file]” .芭蕾舞短裙。”

勒索信称,攻击者已下载并加密了所有数据库和个人数据,威胁要在暗网和黑客平台上发布和出售这些信息。如果受害者在一天内没有做出回应,这些数据就会提供给竞争对手。指定的联系电子邮件是 tutu@onionmail.org,强调需要快速回复。


Tutu 勒索信全文


We downloaded to our servers and encrypted all your databases and personal information!
If you do not write to us within 24 hours, we will start publishing and selling your data on the darknet on hacker sites and offer the information to your competitors
email us: tutu@onionmail.org YOUR ID -
If you haven't heard back within 24 hours, write to this email:tutu@onionmail.org
Keep in mind that once your data appears on our leak site,it could be bought by your competitors at any second, so don't hesitate for a long time.The sooner you pay the ransom, the sooner your company will be safe.
Guarantee:If we don't provide you with a decryptor or delete your data after you pay,no one will pay us in the future. We value our reputation.
Guarantee key:To prove that the decryption key exists, we can test the file (not the database and backup) for free.
Do not try to decrypt your data using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.
Don't go to recovery companies - they are essentially just middlemen.Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price (they add their fee to our) we're the only ones who have the decryption keys.

类似于 Tutu 的勒索软件如何感染您的系统?

勒索软件(包括类似于 Tutu 的变体)可以通过各种方法感染系统。以下是此类勒索软件渗透您系统的常见方式:





远程桌面协议 (RDP) 攻击:如果您的远程桌面连接没有足够的安全,攻击者可能会利用弱密码或 RDP 中的漏洞对您的系统进行未经授权的访问并部署勒索软件。

受感染的外部设备:勒索软件可以通过受感染的外部设备(例如 USB 驱动器或外部硬盘驱动器)传播。将受感染的设备插入您的系统可能会导致勒索软件在您的文件中传播。

January 2, 2024

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